Google Maps #LookBeforeYouLeave

Venturing out on a road journey in India is a task in itself. Even a known route, on a normal day can be quite unpredictable. Long jams can spawn out of nowhere within seconds on any road. At the oddest, at the most unexpected time, one can find in a procession by a group of people or a pothole repair or a wedding band covering most of the road or just a group of young boys playing cricket on the road. Our roads can turn into an obstacle course without any warning and a 15 minute journey can transform into an hour of struggle. This is where Google Maps comes to the aid with real time traffic updates, so that you can pre plan your journey and avoid getting stuck in a jam.

Conceptualized by Lowe Lintas Delhi, the latest campaign for Google Maps #LookBeforeYouLeave captures the nature of our unpredictable and ever-changing roads in a very interesting way.